Mogiana Coffee

Last Updated October 29, 2021
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From their family farm, to your cup.

Mogiana Coffee was founded in Vancouver, BC in 2008 by Cristina Dias. She grew up in Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, but her summer holidays were always spent at her family’s coffee farm. The farm where she and her cousins - and many of the workers’ children - would play among the drying beds and the surrounding fields. Cristina has always felt a deep sense of pride for the work her family has done growing coffee in the Mogiana region of Brazil, and she started her company in order to share her family's passion with local coffee drinkers here in BC.

At every step, they continuously strive to foster community relationships, ensure social responsibility & minimize our environmental impact. This tradition started with their family who have been growing coffee at their farm in Brazil since the 1890s. For five generations they have practiced the same core values in order to produce not just amazing quality coffee, but an enriched community as well. They work hard to treat everyone in our supply chain as part of their extended and ever-growing family. They've learned from family to practice true sustainability - the ability to sustain our plants, soil, air, water, community, and themselves.

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7037A Antrim Ave.
Burnaby , BC V5J 4M5

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